General Information

  • Lunch and Dinner is on your own.  You may choose to eat at the Kidd-Brewer Stadium Concession Stands or eat something on your own.

  • Visiting band directors may opt to purchase meal cards for all band members and staff. These will be $10 each and will be good for Central Dining Hall. Please indicate how many meal cards you will need on the registration form.

  • There are water fountains in the stadium and water bottles are available for purchase. The Marching Mountaineers and Division of Intercollegiate Athletics will not be able to provide bottled water for you. Please plan ahead for the well being of your students.

  • Restrooms are located throughout the stadium.

  • First Aid is available throughout the stadium.

  • Feel free to visit the concession stands, restrooms, etc.  Do not play in the stands, especially when there ball is in play, but please cheer on the Mountaineers!

  • Please sit in your assigned seats only.  Do not “overflow” into adjacent reserved seating sections.  Seating information and game tickets will be distributed at check-in based on the numbers you provided.

  • The Marching Mountaineers will perform a post game show following the game from the stands.  We invite all of you to join us if you are still around after the game concludes.  Please know that you may leave anytime after the conclusion of halftime if you choose.  

  • It is recommended that all bands stay together as much as possible.  Students should not be allowed to “roam” the campus by themselves at anytime during the day.

  • There is no room in the stands for instrument cases and hat boxes so please plan accordingly.  Your buses and equipment trailers will be your storage area.

  • Bands should not play anytime around the stadium until it is performance time.

  • Remember, there are others in the stands that came to watch the game.  Be courteous of our patrons and represent your school with a great deal of class and pride.

  • Many thanks for bringing your students to what we hope is a truly great day for them.